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In my team you gain friendship with success ! You will build your dreams and life style for your kids and family . You will help others with their dreams and a new way of life. It's hard to set back and watch people go to a endless job and get know where. Their not happy , their just waiting for something to make it better for them , but you half to want it! So my hands out waiting for you jump on it! this will cost $99 to start and get your business kit to change your life. What are you waiting for? It won't just happen you Have to make it happen! Why this ? Why now? Why Not? Your opportunity is slowly passing by make the decision now! Don't wait till its to late! Become a distributor through Itworks Global http://bbzkwraps.myitworks/enroll !

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With every order you place, you’ll earn Perks Points equal to 10% of the subtotal of your order before taxes and shipping. For example, if the cost of your order before taxes and shipping is $100.00 USD, you’ll earn 10 Perks Points. You can start using your Perks Points anytime after your fourth consecutive auto-shipment.Bonus Points for Being Loyal!
In addition to the Perks Points you earn with each order you place, you can also earn bonus Perks Points by simply continuing to place an auto-shipment order each month. After your sixth consecutive auto-shipment, you will receive 50 bonus Perks Points, and after your twelfth consecutive auto-shipment, you’ll receive 150 bonus Perks Points. That’s a $200 shopping spree on us!Click the link to become a loyal customer!
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